Author, Bryant H Mc Gill once said, “No time is better spent than that spent in the service of your fellow man. “ It was with this spirit that our team ventured out this morning. With purpose in our minds and hearts, understanding that when an opportunity presents itself to be fully cognisant that we live in our little bubbles for most of our lives, but there is a lot of other people out there who might not share this privilege—the privilege to work, to have a relatively secure home, to know where the next meal is coming from, to have clothing, the list goes on.
The Izizwe Project is a non-profit organisation based in Walmer Location, here in Port Elizabeth. Today we joined the team in one of their community interventions. A few weeks ago a fire destroyed several shacks in this community, leaving seven families without homes. It is by the grace of a local church that these families have a temporary place to find shelter while they rebuild their lives.
Nelson Mandela once said, “A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of.” This Mandela Day our team was determined to do just that, acknowledge what we have, carve out time to dedicate to a stranger, a fellow human that needs our effort and time but would never ask for it. Our hope is that with this small act, we have made the world a better this Mandela Day, and all thanks to @IzizweProjects for including us in caring for our community.